Soccer 2015
2015 was the first year that Dunsany NS took part in the FAI Meath Schools’ Soccer Competition in MDL, Navan. We entered a girls’ team and a boys’ team. They both put in creditable performances with the boys finishing second in their group. The girls had biting wind and rain to contend with but they still reckoned it was a great day out and would like to go back again next year!
The boys would go back once a week if they could! You’ll see they had some fun when we stayed on a for an extra fun game with Clonard NS…. some of our lads are in blue and yellow… surely not?!
Our sincere thanks to Gerry Keoghan, Lorcan & Aoibheann’s dad who volunteered at the school for all of this term coaching both teams.
Go raibh maith agat Gerry!
Playgrounds Project
Mrs Muldoon approached the Senior Room in March with a clever idea muted by her own junior pupils to create a ‘Magical Playground’. The magical component came from the junior pupil and discussion with senior pupil on how they’d go about making it followed. Then the GP room turned into a landfill site!
And hey presto – we had 21 fabulous magical playgrounds made from all sorts of recyclable plastics, card, tubing, fabric, etc… Abracadabra and we had a tidy GP room! And with another bit of I.T. magic from the Senior Room, we had a great account on the making of the playgrounds – they even got the junior pupils working on the laptops.
The results were outstanding. Parents visited on the day of the Easter holidays for the big reveal. Well done a bhuachaillí agus a chailíní on another great collaborative project.
Open Night
We held our Annual Open Night on 11 March 2015. We had a super crowd. The pupils really did themselves proud. Their stations were varied and interesting and very well presented. Parents were quizzed, examined and entertained in equal measure. Little newcomers were warmly welcomed and many of them left with beautifully painted faces.
The evening was topped off by a short performance by the school singers ‘Gliondar’, in fine voice and resplendent in their new brightly coloured, special-issue t-shirts.
Thank you to parents and PA members who helped with a cupán tae on the night.
We apologise to anyone who missed our Open Night as we had forgotten to post it up on our calendar.
Mr. Brennan Camino
Mr Brennan, our ever-welcome former principal popped in recently to give the Senior Room a talk on the Camino de Santiago.
Mr Brennan along with a group of mates, walked the Camino de Santiago from the French-Spanish border just below the Pyrennes Mt. Range to the pilgrimage town of Compostella de Santiago on the west coast of Spain.
The walk over 750km long, took 31 days. Mr Brennan’s a seasoned explorer so it was a piece of cake to him! We had a great session with him, learning lots about Spain. We went on to complete an individual assignment on the laptops on Spain and the Camino in the days after Mr B’s talk.
Just who is that scary figure in Mr Brennan’s rain gear?!
Cross Country
Congratulations to our many pupils on representing the school so well at the Meath Schools’ Cross Country 2nd meet of the year @ Fairyhouse Racecourse.
Well done to our 1st class young runner who is showing off her 2nd place medal here.
WW1 Projects
The Senior Room have just completed a lot of work on World War 1, 1914-18. We’ve studied the countries involved, the famous Irish WW1 poet Francis Ledwidge (who was born in Slane and whose patron was the 18th Lord Dunsany), we’ve written our own poems, learned about trench warfare and made our own very impressive trenches.
We each had to submit a typed assignment on the war too. In these photos you’ll see us introducing the other classes to the horrors of WW1.
Lest we forget….
Christmas Panto in Mullingar
The Senior Room had a great night out with our SNA Yvonne and Mrs Bockett @ the Mullingar Arts Centre for our Christmas Outing. It’s our 5th trip now in as many years – it’s always great fun. We love the Panto dames. This year’s show was ‘Snow White’.
Presentation to Pierce Bolger of Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind 2014
We saw school year 2013/14 out in great style. After our open-air Mass, attended by parishioners, pupils and teachers, local man Pierce Bolger brought along his guide-dog Whiskey and hosted a great Q & A session. Pierce is a great character – he had all of us in stitches! He told us all about the very serious business of the Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind Association too. We raised over €280 for the Association through our Sports Day frolics.