Mrs Muldoon approached the Senior Room in March with a clever idea muted by her own junior pupils to create a ‘Magical Playground’. The magical component came from the junior pupil and discussion with senior pupil on how they’d go about making it followed. Then the GP room turned into a landfill site!
And hey presto – we had 21 fabulous magical playgrounds made from all sorts of recyclable plastics, card, tubing, fabric, etc… Abracadabra and we had a tidy GP room! And with another bit of I.T. magic from the Senior Room, we had a great account on the making of the playgrounds – they even got the junior pupils working on the laptops.
The results were outstanding. Parents visited on the day of the Easter holidays for the big reveal. Well done a bhuachaillí agus a chailíní on another great collaborative project.